Telegram has now announced that it gained 25 million new users globally joined its platform in the past 72 hours. In the first week of January, Telegram announced that it surpassed 500 million monthly active user mark globally and it has continued to grow with 25 million new users joining the platform in the last 72 hours alone. Telegram also announced that 38% out of the newly added 25 million users are from Asia, followed by Europe with 27%. Telegram managed to add 21% new users from Latin America and 8% from the MENA region. Signal saw a meteoric rise after WhatsApp started showing its new privacy policy to the users, whereas Telegram is also gaining a decent number of new subscribers across the world.

Telegram CEO Lauds Users Joining the Platform

Telegram CEO and Founder Pavel Durov appreciated the users who are joining the platform. Recently, he mentioned that Telegram added 1.5 million new users every day in 2020, however, the current surge in downloads is different. “We’ve had surges of downloads before, throughout our 7-year history of protecting user privacy. But this time is different,” Durov said in a recent blog post. Telegram now has half a billion active users and the growth of the company is going in the upward direction. Telegram is now the ’largest refuge’ for those seeking a communication platform that’s committed to privacy and security. Telegram also promises that it will take the user trust very seriously and will not its users down in the future. As of this writing, Telegram has been downloaded more than 500 million times on Google Play Store. Telegram also stands on the second position in overall downloads on Apple App Store for the social media category. While Signal managed to become the topmost downloaded free application on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store, Telegram is slowly climbing the ladder.

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