Tata Sky Tamil and Telugu Metro Packs The first in this list of Metro packs is the Tamil Metro pack which comes for Rs 198.25, and it bundles channels like Zee Tamil, Star Vijay, Sun Life and more. The total channel count in this pack is six, and all of these are SD channels. Similarly, there is also an HD pack as well which is titled as the Tamil Metro HD, and it is available for Rs 208.87, and it comes with 4 SD channels and 2 HD channels for the subscribers including Zee Tamil HD and Star Vijay HD. Just like it is the case with Tamil, the Tata Sky subscribers will also have the option of going for the Telugu Metro plan which retails for Rs 199.02, and this one bundles 4 SD channels which include ETV Life, Gemini TV, Zee Telugu, and Discovery Channel. There is also an HD version of this pack which retail for the same price, but instead of the SD variants, it includes the Gemini TV HD and Zee Telugu HD channels. The total channel count remains 4 only. Tata Sky Kannada and Malayalam Metro Pack The Kannada Metro pack by Tata Sky retails for Rs 198.25, and it offers 8 SD channels including Zee Kannada, Star Suvarna, Udaya Music and more. The Kannada Metro HD retails for the same price, and it also bundles 8 channels with Zee Kannada HD as the only HD channel in the packs and the rest 7 are SD channels for the subscribers. The Malayalam Metro pack is available for Tata Sky subscribers at Rs 198.07, and it bundles 6 channels including Zee Keralam, Asianet, Surya Music, Discovery Channel and more. The Malayalam HD version comes for Rs 207.39, and it bundles a total of 6 channels with 2 HD ones which include Zee Keralam HD and Asianet HD. Limited Period Discount on Tata Sky Curated and Add-On Packs Now it is also worth noting for the subscribers, that these plans would be under a limited time promotional offer meaning that subscribers would be able to get these plans at a cheaper rate as compared to the usual price of these packs. For example, the Tamil Metro pack would retail for Rs 194.71 instead of Rs 198.25. Similarly, there would be other price drops with the different Metro Packs as well, along with a limited-time discount on other curated packs by Tata Sky and on add-on packs as well. While the curated packs run well into Rs 400 to Rs 600 price range, and the add-on packs are very lightly priced with many under Rs 100, the Metro plans are an intermediate offering between these two price ranges for regional TV viewers.

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