In a few hours from now, Reliance Jio was supposed to launch the JioPhone Next in India. It is an affordable 4G smartphone built in partnership with Jio and Google. The JioPhone Next isn’t a replica or a smarter version of the LYF smartphones. But just now, the company has confirmed that the JioPhone Next is under advanced testing. Currently, the company is testing the smartphone with a limited number of users and will make refinements to it wherever required based on the feedback. Reliance Jio said that it is looking to bring the smartphone into the market by the festive season of Diwali. With rigorous testing, the company will be able to deliver a better-finished product and will also be able to make it more widely available so that whomsoever needs it can buy it. JioPhone Next is going to bring a fresh change in the market and it is going to do so by being priced very low and offer a solid 4G smartphone experience to the users. Reliance Jio plans to make India ‘2G Mukt’ with this affordable 4G device. Multiple reports online have said different prices for the smartphone. Here’s everything you should about the JioPhone Next launching today.

JioPhone Next Might be Priced at Rs 5,000

Since Jio discontinued two JioPhone plans, the company might be planning to launch new plans exclusive for the JioPhone Next priced at a very affordable range. The device is expected to run on Android 11 Go Edition out of the box and Jio has said that it will offer a very seamless Android experience to the users since it has optimised the software as much as possible with the help of Google. The JioPhone Next could be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 215 SoC coupled with up to 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. Users might see a 13MP primary sensor at the rear while for video calling and selfies the smartphone might come with an 8MP sensor. Few things which are already confirmed are that JioPhone Next will come with Google Voice Assistant and its camera app will have augmented reality (AR) filters.

Reliance Jio In Advance Testing of JioPhone Next  Will Launch By Diwali - 17