In 2022, Orange announced steps to ramp up efforts to reduce energy consumption. As part of the measures, Orange now announced an agreement with Reservoir Sun, a leading player in self-supply solar electricity systems, to set up a photovoltaic power station in Bercenay-en-Othe (Aube). Orange is increasing its consumption towards renewable energy sources and accelerating this transition by making the most of solar energy on its tertiary and technical sites. Also Read: Nokia, Orange France Get 20 Throughput Speed in World’s First CA Link Trial

Orange’s First Solar Farm

The group will deploy its first solar farm in France and Europe to achieve eco-friendly results on the strategic satellite communications site at Bercenay-en-Othe. The farm will cover a surface area of 50,000 square meters. With a capacity of 5 MW (1 MW for self-consumption and 4 MW for reinjection), the power station will supply 20 per cent of the site’s energy needs. In addition, this solar-generated, low-carbon energy will save over 100 tons of CO2 annually.

Environmental Impact Analysis

Starting January 05, the environmental impact analysis study will be carried out over a period of up to 12 months in agreement with DREAL (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing) to determine the project’s impact on living species on the site. This will be the first phase of the project. Also Read: Orange Ramps up Efforts to Reduce Energy Consumption Michael Trabbia, interim CEO for Orange Wholesale and International Networks, declared: “We are happy and proud to launch an ambitious local solar farm project at our Bercenay-en-Othe site. This solar farm reflects our additionality approach and is fully in line with our strategy to develop the use of low-carbon energies, in order to contribute to our environmental commitments. This project thus contributes to securing our energy supply while decarbonizing our activities.” Mathieu Cambet, Managing Director of Reservoir Sun: “Reservoir Sun is very proud to have been chosen by Orange as a trusted partner for its first solar power project on one of its own sites. We hope that this shared project will mark the start of a strong collaboration to take on the challenges of decarbonization and local energy production.” As part of the ongoing energy crisis, Orange is determined to reduce its energy consumption over the coming months across its European footprint.

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