Over the last month, many users have shifted to chatting and texting apps such as Signal and Telegram. One of the more reputable and old texting applications, ‘Telegram’ saw a whirlpool of users coming to its platform leaving WhatsApp. It has some great interactive features for texting which enhance the way users communicate with each other. If you are worried about privacy and security on Telegram, we are here to help you get rid of that worry. We will tell you how you can keep your chats on Telegram safe with fingerprint lock or passcode.

How to Set a Passcode on Telegram?

First of all, open the application. You will notice a three-line menu on the top left, tap on it. After that, select ‘Settings’ and tap on ‘Privacy and Security’. Under the ‘Security’, tap on the ‘Passcode Lock’, and you will be asked to enter a four-digit passcode. Enter the passcode twice to save it. Your telegram passcode will be active.

How to Set Fingerprint Lock on Telegram?

Once you have set up the passcode, whenever you try to open the app, you will also see an option of unlocking the app with your fingerprint. You can also disable the feature if you don’t want it. Do note that the fingerprint option will only come if you have entered fingerprint data for unlocking the device under the device settings itself. It will use the same biometric data entered into the system of your device in the first place. For further safety of your chat data, you can also set an ‘auto-lock’ timer. By default, Telegram auto-locks the application after 1 hour. But that is too long a time, to change that, go to the ‘Auto-Lock’ option from the settings of the application, and you can keep the timer anywhere between 1 minute to 1.45 hours. You can also disable the feature from here.

How to Keep Chats Safe on Telegram  All You Should Know - 71