Huawei’s sub-brand had previously said in a statement: “We will continue to provide security updates and after-sales services to all existing Honor smartphone and tablet products, covering those that have been sold and that are still in stock globally.” This comes at a crucial time when the US has imposed a trade ban on Huawei, which is the world’s largest maker of telecom equipment. Meanwhile, Huawei on Thursday said things have started looking up for the company with the signing of key 5G deals in the UK and Russia, adding that it is “positive” about the future. The world’s second-biggest smartphone seller, which shipped over 205 million units in 2018, also clarified that WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and all other such apps will continue to work on the devices as they used to. “All these are third-party applications, and can be installed and used without any issue on Huawei devices,” a company spokesperson said.

Honor 20 and Honor 10 Series Confirmed to Receive Android Q Update - 27